About JHanson Leadership Coaching

Vibrant company culture is not accidental. Growth doesn’t happen by chance. Your organization and situation are unique. JHanson Solutions will craft a personalized plan to address the most pressing needs of your business.

Whether it’s creating effective employee training, developing engaging onboarding programs, or helping your trainers and facilitator elevate their skills Jill will create a roadmap for your company that will bridge the gap between your current situation and desired outcomes.

Meet Jill Hanson

Jill Hanson is an educator, speaker, development strategist, Founder of JHanson Leadership Coaching, and an advisor with Solomon Strategic Partners. She is passionate about serving leaders at all levels and helping them become the healthiest versions of themselves. Her work focuses on leadership development, work culture, employee engagement, and learning and development strategy.

“I want to help bring humanity back to business by blending the right resources and tools needed for building strong and empowering relationships. When leaders are healthy, they can grow a healthy team—which helps the organization flourish.”

Jill received her bachelor’s degree in Public Relations from the University of Central Oklahoma. She also holds several certifications in training, instructional design, and leadership. Before founding her business and working with the GiANT tools, Jill worked within Organizational Development as an Instructional Designer and Training Facilitator. She brings a wealth of experience in various industries, including Hospitality, Entertainment, Technology, Manufacturing, and Law Enforcement.

As a former Walt Disney World Cast Member, Jill loves to identify ways to add magic moments for her clients—helping them “plus the show.” Her motto is “There is no dream too big or detail too small when it comes to becoming the best you can be!”

Jill lives in Norman, Oklahoma with her husband, Ryan; their two girls, Makayla (8) and Winnie (1); and their boxer Ruby. They love traveling, spending time outside together, and evenings playing board games.



"Excellence is the gradual result of always striving to do better." - Pat Riley


"God's extravagant generosity toward us compels us to be extravagantly generous towards others." -Andy Stanley


"Around here, however, we don't look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we're curious, and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." -Walt Disney


"Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world." -Albert Einstein


“Tenacity is essential for accomplishment in anything you do. Without drive, determination and a strong-willed attitude, one's level of success at many endeavors will be limited in scope.” -Gabriella Marigold Lindsay


"Anyone who has gumption knows what it is, and anyone who hasn't can never know what it is. So there is no need of defining it." -Lucy Maud Montgomery